Contributing our C3 expertise to Whole-of-Government

25 Sep 2024

In the event of an incident or crisis, having overall situational awareness to enhance decision making, and the abilities to collaborate and task are key in ensuring optimal responses. These mechanics are at the heart of every Command, Control and Communications (C3) system delivered by DSTA.

Since 2014, DSTA has been the C3 Centre of Excellence (CentEx), partnering multiple ministries and agencies to identify and develop C3 solutions to make Singapore safer, smarter and more responsive to people's needs. 

At the recent biannual Public Service Science, Technology and Engineering Conference (STEC), our team demonstrated the effective use of a C3 system through the delivery of the Hazardous Material (HazMat) Incident Management System (HIMS2) for the SCDF. Developed by DSTA, HTX, GovTech and DSO National Laboratories, the system operates through using chemical sensors that remotely monitor and detect a range of hazardous materials in real-time. Thus, providing early warning to officers in order for them to manage the HazMat incident and deploy resources expediently. 

The HIMS with working samples of chemical sensors for HazMat readings.


Aside from the HIMS, DSTA has also developed the Crisis and Incident Management C3 System, to allow for effective and coordinated responses during daily operations, major incidents and national crises.

Head C3 CentEx Office, Syn Peck Khay shares that “Going forward, C3 CentEx will continue to engage agencies to understand their operational workflows and gaps, and identify potential C3 use cases. We will do so through various modalities such as user journey workshops, front-end studies, technical consultancy, and project implementation.”

The HIMS project team from DSTA and officers from SCDF at STEC.