Grand Adventures in DSTA

21 Jun 2022

You just gotta start young when it comes to cultivating an interest in defence technology. With Kids@DSTA – our version of ‘bring kids to work day’ – we welcomed close to 900 of our staff’s children to our office over six days during the school holidays in June 2022.

Their adventures saw them take part in a variety of activities which gave the eager explorers a first-hand look into the work that we do, ranging from augmented reality, simulation technology, autonomous vehicles, and robotics, among others.

They also dabbled with artificially generated images and videos, face-swapping technology, and even keystroke profiling in the area of cybersecurity, as well as night vision technology.

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It wasn’t all about learning either – our young explorers also got to try their hand at carnival games and crafting!

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We hope all the children had lots of fun learning more about their parent’s work, and just as much fun learning about the tech behind our work. Who knows? They might just be Singapore’s next generation of defence technologists!