News Releases

26 Oct 2021

DSTA Receives Defence Technology Prize 2021

Defence Engineers and Scientists Honoured for Excellence and Innovation in Defence Technology (pdf, 120.98 Kb)


DTP 2021 Individual (Engineering) Award – Mr Loke Mun Kwong (pdf, 197.37 Kb)
DTP 2021 Individual (Engineering) Award – Mr Han Meow Kwang (pdf, 209.03 Kb)
DTP 2021 Team (Engineering) Award – A330 Multi-Role Tanker Transport Hangar Team (pdf, 212.75 Kb)
DTP 2021 Team (Engineering) Award – MINDEF Forward Deployment Laboratory Team (pdf, 226.59 Kb)
DTP 2021 Team (Engineering) Award – COVID-19 Command and Control Systems Team (pdf, 201.65 Kb)
DTP 2021 Team (Engineering) Award – RESOLUTE Direct PCR Diagnostic Kit for COVID-19 Team (pdf, 232.54 Kb)

16 Oct 2021

Singapore Defence Technology Summit


Testimonials from Singapore Defence Technology Summit Delegates (pdf, 143.1 Kb)

16 Oct 2021

DSTA and MIT Collaborate on Artificial Intelligence Research

DSTA and MIT Collaborate on Artificial Intelligence Research (pdf, 76.74 Kb)

12 Oct 2021

Singapore Defence Technology Summit

Singapore Defence Technology Summit 2021 Advances Global Technology Discussions (pdf, 110.17 Kb)


Singapore Defence Technology Summit 2021 (pdf, 188.59 Kb)

23 Sep 2021

Exercise Forging Sabre 2021


Ex Forging Sabre 2021 – “Sense More, Smarter, Strike as One” (pdf, 178.73 Kb)

SAF Harnesses Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics to Sharpen Sense and Strike Capabilities with Command and Control Information System (pdf, 188.67 Kb)

28 Aug 2021

Defence Scholarship Awards Ceremony

84 Award Recipients, One Defence Community (pdf, 133.6 Kb)


The Defence Scholarships and Profiles of Scholarship Recipients (pdf, 241.66 Kb)

30 Jun 2021

HQ Sense & Strike a Step Forward in SAF’s Next-Generation Transformation

HQ Sense & Strike a Step Forward in SAF’s Next-Generation Transformation (pdf, 151.63 Kb)


Latest Suite of Headquarters Sense and Strike Platforms (pdf, 321.75 Kb)
Transformation of the Singapore Army (pdf, 191.33 Kb)
New Tech Enablers for the RSAF’s Smart Airbase of the Future (pdf, 438.28 Kb)
Enhancing Operational Readiness of the RSN (pdf, 183.93 Kb)


SAF On Track for Next-Gen Transformation (pdf, 587.2 Kb)
New Tech Enablers for the RSAF’s Smart Airbase of the Future (pdf, 537.32 Kb)

11 Jun 2021

DSTA and Naval Group Partner on Additive Manufacturing

DSTA Partners Naval Group to Harness Additive Manufacturing for Naval Applications (pdf, 89.04 Kb)